Statistiken und Fakten zu den Organisationen 02. Juni 2015

Für die Statistiker unter euch hat der User LindyNet wieder aktuelle Zahlen zu den Star Citizen Organisationen  zusammengestellt. Thank you LindyNet




Last Week’s Post Here!

Fun Facts

  • English makes up 74% of organizations.
  • Of the remaining non-English speaking orgs:
Language % of non-English orgs % of all orgs
German 42.57% 11.21%
French 19.06% 5.02%
Spanish 5.16% 1.36%
Other 33.22% 8.74%
  • The top 20 languages of SC Organizations:
Language # of organizations
English 21,603
German 3,286
French 1,471
Spanish 398
Russian 351
Dutch 215
Swedish 200
Italian 170
Danish 146
Esperanto 110
Finnish 110
Norwegian 109
Portuguese 91
Dzongkha 70
Estonian 68
Czech 65
Chinese 59
Polish 58
Ewe 49
Afrikaans 38

Multiple Organization Usage

How many people have joined multiple organizations up to the maximum of 10.

Number of Orgs Joined # of Citizens who joined that many Change from last week
1 105558 510
2 14997 89
3 4731 33
4 2161 1
5 1150 7
6 673 14
7 369 2
8 231 14
9 160 4
10 132 -3


The above figures do not include hidden or redacted membership status. I could only count what people had publicly joined.

All told, there are 130,162 citizens in 29,322 organizations, with an overall average of 4.4 citizens per organization. If you remove the one man organizations the average increases to 7.1.

Organizations Lost : 71

Organizations Added : 196

Largest Organization Lost : Sages (14 Former Members)

Largest Organization Added : SPACE BROS(11 Members)

Largest by Members

Name Members(added) Actual Members Affiliates
Xplor – Being #2 make us try harder! 11009(18) 3616 6233
Test Squadron – Best Squardon! 42% alc/vol 6131(84) 2099 3417
The Corporation 4413(55) 957 2967
Imperium 3803(2) 3796 6
Operation Pitchfork 3397(14) 382 2778
Serenity 3208(3) 662 2130
LTT Conglomerate 2732(8) 2228 406
Das Kartell 1508(3) 1507 0
L.A.M.P. 1504(-1) 1219 226
Atlas Defense Industries 1488(46) 1481 3
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 1417(33) 112 350
SPACE TRADE [Website TS 3 Companies Insignias] 1384(15) 130 1141
Code Genesis 1108(2) 837 154
The Pack 1088(0) 600 307
Tactical Advance 1025(7) 1016 4
The Convoy™ 1008(2) 285 639
Brown Coats 995(2) 741 228
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 838(6) 823 6
Reclaim Trade 800(3) 73 664
Sibylla 698(1) 683 2

Largest by Actual Members

Name Actual Members(added) Members Affiliates
Imperium 3796(2) 3803 6
Xplor – Being #2 make us try harder! 3616(14) 11009 6233
LTT Conglomerate 2228(5) 2732 406
Test Squadron – Best Squardon! 42% alc/vol 2099(45) 6131 3417
Das Kartell 1507(2) 1508 0
Atlas Defense Industries 1481(43) 1488 3
L.A.M.P. 1219(-1) 1504 226
Tactical Advance 1016(7) 1025 4
The Corporation 957(22) 4413 2967
Code Genesis 837(1) 1108 154
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 823(6) 838 6
Brown Coats 741(-1) 995 228
Sibylla 683(1) 698 2
Serenity 662(-1) 3208 2130
The Pack 600(-1) 1088 307
The Older Gamers 566(4) 649 72
Black Widow Company 524(-33) 527 0
Planet Express Crew – Insert Uranus Joke 452(2) 597 123
Systems United Navy 394(2) 397 3
Operation Pitchfork 382(-1) 3397 2778

Most Members Added

Name # Added(Total #) Actual Members Affiliates
Test Squadron – Best Squardon! 42% alc/vol 84(6131) 2099 3417
Caravan – Why Not? 70(140) 19 114
The Corporation 55(4413) 957 2967
Atlas Defense Industries 46(1488) 1481 3
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 33(1417) 112 350
Xplor – Being #2 make us try harder! 18(11009) 3616 6233
Fractured 17(43) 27 13
The RED 16(47) 40 7
SPACE TRADE [Website TS 3 Companies Insignias] 15(1384) 130 1141
Operation Pitchfork 14(3397) 382 2778
Wings Of Steel 13(14) 0 0
The Gray Network 11(531) 83 137
SPACE BROS 11(11) 2 7
Those Guys With Ships 10(151) 86 62
Intergalactic Trading Empire 9(600) 157 387
Genesis Industries – EU 9(9) 9 0
LTT Conglomerate 8(2732) 2228 406
C.R.A.S.H CORPS 8(246) 205 36

Most Actual Members Added

Name # Added(Total #) Total Members Affiliates
Test Squadron – Best Squardon! 42% alc/vol 45(2099) 6131 3417
Atlas Defense Industries 43(1481) 1488 3
The Corporation 22(957) 4413 2967
Xplor – Being #2 make us try harder! 14(3616) 11009 6233
The RED 14(40) 47 7
Caravan – Why Not? 9(19) 140 114
Genesis Industries – EU 9(9) 9 0
Tactical Advance 7(1016) 1025 4
Grendizer 7(238) 245 0
Industrial Terran Corp. 7(45) 47 2
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 6(823) 838 6
C.R.A.S.H CORPS 6(205) 246 36
German Fleet Constellation 6(24) 43 17
ARCA 6(37) 43 5
LTT Conglomerate 5(2228) 2732 406
Fractured 5(27) 43 13
Applied Energetics 5(5) 6 1
The Older Gamers 4(566) 649 72
M.E.R.C. Corporation 4(274) 274 0

AMMAS = Actual Members minus Affiliates Score

This is an interesting way to view orgs and how heavy they slant between actual members and affiliates that they have recruited to work with them.


Name Actual Affiliates AMMAS
Imperium 3796 6 3790
LTT Conglomerate 2228 406 1822
Das Kartell 1507 0 1507
Atlas Defense Industries 1481 3 1478
Tactical Advance 1016 4 1012
L.A.M.P. 1219 226 993
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 823 6 817
Code Genesis 837 154 683
Sibylla 683 2 681
Black Widow Company 524 0 524
Brown Coats 741 228 513
The Older Gamers 566 72 494
Systems United Navy 394 3 391
Association of Capitalists Explorers & Soldiers 346 6 340
Planet Express Crew – Insert Uranus Joke 452 123 329
Goonrathi 368 40 328
Valinor Aerospace Ltd. 348 39 309
Deutsche SpaceCargo 324 19 305
The Pack 600 307 293
M.E.R.C. Corporation 274 0 274


Name Actual Affiliates AMMAS
Xplor – Being #2 make us try harder! 3616 6233 -2617
Operation Pitchfork 382 2778 -2396
The Corporation 957 2967 -2010
Serenity 662 2130 -1468
Test Squadron – Best Squardon! 42% alc/vol 2099 3417 -1318
SPACE TRADE [Website TS 3 Companies Insignias] 130 1141 -1011
Reclaim Trade 73 664 -591
The Convoy™ 285 639 -354
United Republic 72 421 -349
Corporate Search and Rescue 16 297 -281
The Base 27 280 -253
Constellation exploration engineering group 21 260 -239
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 112 350 -238
Intergalactic Trading Empire 157 387 -230
Galactic Racing Services 21 228 -207
Horizon Alliance 3 207 -204
Auraxis Military Pact 3 183 -180
Sanctus 22 191 -169
Powers Against Common Threats (PACT) 1 170 -169
Galactic Business Federation 52 217 -165


Quelle: Reddit

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