Statistiken und Fakten zu den Organisationen 24. März 2015

Für die Statistiker unter euch hat der User LindyNet wieder aktuelle Zahlen zu den Star Citizen Organisationen  zusammengestellt. Thank you LindyNet

Last Week’s Post Here!

Fun Facts

  • There are more organizations listed as an “Organization” than there are “PMC” and “Corporation” combined.
  • The most popular listed activities are:
Rank Activities
1. Exploration/Trading
2. Freelancing/Exploration
3. Trading/Exploration (same as #1 but flipped in order)
4. Resources/Exploration
5. Exploration/Freelancing

Multiple Organization Usage

How many people have joined multiple organizations up to the maximum of 10.

Number of Orgs Joined # of Citizens who joined that many Change from last week
1 99071 1120
2 14036 197
3 4424 36
4 1996 13
5 1067 20
6 575 8
7 350 11
8 185 7
9 147 0
10 109 3


The above figures do not include hidden or redacted membership status. I could only count what people had publicly joined.

All told, there are citizens are in organizations, with an overall average of 4.4 citizens per organization. If you remove the one man organizations the average increases to 7.1.

Organizations Lost : 85

Organizations Added : 386

Largest Organization Lost : Armoured Requiem (19 Former Members)

Largest Organization Added : [ILL]-1337 Dangerous(11 Members)

Largest by Members

Name Members(added) Actual Members Affiliates
Xplor – Self Sustained Deep Space Xplor-ation! 10647(81) 3386 6129
Test Squadron – Best Squadron! 42% alc/vol 5585(57) 1798 3225
The Corporation 3969(50) 777 2748
Imperium 3760(5) 3742 12
Serenity 3172(24) 652 2111
Operation Pitchfork 3094(24) 344 2540
LTT Conglomerate 2676(4) 2202 375
L.A.M.P. 1488(3) 1209 223
Das Kartell 1441(20) 1438 2
Code Genesis 1078(5) 827 147
The Pack 1060(12) 587 300
Tactical Advance 1054(19) 948 100
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 1010(62) 68 250
The Convoy™ 985(9) 288 619
Brown Coats 967(2) 730 210
Atlas Defense Industries 960(75) 902 46
SPACE TRADE – [ Website TeamSpeak 3 server ] 842(127) 100 668
Reclaim Trade 766(5) 73 638
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 722(19) 712 4
Sibylla 657(0) 647 0

Largest by Actual Members

Name Actual Members(added) Members Affiliates
Imperium 3742(13) 3760 12
Xplor – Self Sustained Deep Space Xplor-ation! 3386(61) 10647 6129
LTT Conglomerate 2202(1) 2676 375
Test Squadron – Best Squadron! 42% alc/vol 1798(34) 5585 3225
Das Kartell 1438(20) 1441 2
L.A.M.P. 1209(2) 1488 223
Tactical Advance 948(27) 1054 100
Atlas Defense Industries 902(75) 960 46
Code Genesis 827(1) 1078 147
The Corporation 777(17) 3969 2748
Brown Coats 730(2) 967 210
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 712(20) 722 4
Serenity 652(11) 3172 2111
Sibylla 647(1) 657 0
Black Widow Company 598(-2) 601 0
The Pack 587(11) 1060 300
The Older Gamers 548(-1) 628 70
Planet Express Crew-I kissed a robot & I liked it! 388(9) 502 95
Systems United Navy 385(3) 388 3
Goonrathi 358(1) 468 40

Most Members Added

Name # Added(Total #) Actual Members Affiliates
SPACE TRADE – [ Website TeamSpeak 3 server ] 127(842) 100 668
Cognition Corp. 107(316) 59 132
Xplor – Self Sustained Deep Space Xplor-ation! 81(10647) 3386 6129
Atlas Defense Industries 75(960) 902 46
STARCITIZEN.IT 66(81) 46 33
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 62(1010) 68 250
Test Squadron – Best Squadron! 42% alc/vol 57(5585) 1798 3225
The Corporation 50(3969) 777 2748
Sinister Incorporated 31(398) 125 124
Serenity 24(3172) 652 2111
Operation Pitchfork 24(3094) 344 2540
La Main 22(27) 0 0
Angry Joe Show Army 21(185) 151 30
Das Kartell 20(1441) 1438 2
Tactical Advance 19(1054) 948 100
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 19(722) 712 4
Galactic Racing Services 16(286) 21 226
(G.S.A) ∘Greek Space Alliance∘ 16(145) 67 66
Intergalactic Trading Empire 15(512) 142 327
Those Guys With Ships 14(87) 46 38

Most Actual Members Added

Name # Added(Total #) Total Members Affiliates
Atlas Defense Industries 75(902) 960 46
Xplor – Self Sustained Deep Space Xplor-ation! 61(3386) 10647 6129
STARCITIZEN.IT 40(46) 81 33
Test Squadron – Best Squadron! 42% alc/vol 34(1798) 5585 3225
Cognition Corp. 28(59) 316 132
Tactical Advance 27(948) 1054 100
SPACE TRADE – [ Website TeamSpeak 3 server ] 23(100) 842 668
Das Kartell 20(1438) 1441 2
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 20(712) 722 4
The Corporation 17(777) 3969 2748
Angry Joe Show Army 16(151) 185 30
Imperium 13(3742) 3760 12
Grendizer 12(160) 164 2
Serenity 11(652) 3172 2111
The Pack 11(587) 1060 300
Planet Express Crew-I kissed a robot & I liked it! 9(388) 502 95
M.E.R.C. Corporation 9(228) 228 0
C.R.A.S.H CORPS 9(136) 171 32
THE EXPLORERS 9(44) 48 3
[ILL]-1337 Dangerous 9(9) 11 1

AMMAS = Actual Members minus Affiliates Score

This is an interesting way to view orgs and how heavy they slant between actual members and affiliates that they have recruited to work with them.


Name Actual Affiliates AMMAS
Imperium 3742 12 3730
LTT Conglomerate 2202 375 1827
Das Kartell 1438 2 1436
L.A.M.P. 1209 223 986
Atlas Defense Industries 902 46 856
Tactical Advance 948 100 848
Mongoose Nest Starfleet 712 4 708
Code Genesis 827 147 680
Sibylla 647 0 647
Black Widow Company 598 0 598
Brown Coats 730 210 520
The Older Gamers 548 70 478
Systems United Navy 385 3 382
Association of Capitalists Explorers & Soldiers 339 6 333
Goonrathi 358 40 318
Valinor Aerospace Ltd. 343 37 306
Deutsche SpaceCargo 317 19 298
Planet Express Crew-I kissed a robot & I liked it! 388 95 293
The Pack 587 300 287
Elite Games 330 79 251


Name Actual Affiliates AMMAS
Xplor – Self Sustained Deep Space Xplor-ation! 3386 6129 -2743
Operation Pitchfork 344 2540 -2196
The Corporation 777 2748 -1971
Serenity 652 2111 -1459
Test Squadron – Best Squadron! 42% alc/vol 1798 3225 -1427
SPACE TRADE – [ Website TeamSpeak 3 server ] 100 668 -568
Reclaim Trade 73 638 -565
United Republic 66 419 -353
The Convoy™ 288 619 -331
Corporate Search and Rescue 14 289 -275
The Base 26 263 -237
Constellation exploration engineering group 23 242 -219
Galactic Racing Services 21 226 -205
Intergalactic Trading Empire 142 327 -185
TABOO [ Black Trade Network ] 68 250 -182
Auraxis Military Pact 3 184 -181
Horizon Alliance 2 178 -176
Powers Against Common Threats (PACT) 1 171 -170
Galactic Business Federation 49 216 -167
Sanctus 23 188 -165



Quelle: Reddit

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