Grüße Sternenbürger,
wir haben einen Patch für den Arena Commander bereit gestellt. Der Patch hilft uns bei der Vorbereitung für den Roll Out des Multi Player Teil und fügt mehrere Steuerungs-Technische Veränderungen hinzu und Fixed eine Reihe von Bugs. Weitere Informationen dazu könnt ihr den Patchnotes entnehmen.
Bitte bedenkt, dass wir eine Änderung zugefügt haben die euch möglicherweise etwas verwirren könnte: Ihr müsst TAB drücken um den Cursor im Arena Commander Menü im Cockpit zu sehen. Dies resultiert aus den laufenden Controller Updates und wir in zukünftigen Builds wieder geändert werden.
Star Citizen Patch 12.2
PLEASE NOTE: You must now press tab to show the cursor when the Arena Commander menu is open in the cockpit.
New Features/Fixes
Vanduul no longer show as committing suicide when defeating them with missiles
Added “Invert Flight Mouse” and “Invert Flight Controller” options to game settings screen
Helmet animation plays when putting on the helmet now
Ejection now counts towards player death
Added an expanded X52 mapping
Lighting fixes for AMD machines
Improved Aurora mount/dismount/idle animation
Increased fuel tank capacity to allow for longer afterburner use
Improved Thruster Animations
Improved Holoship destruction
Player is now able to access the scoreboard whilst waiting on respawn
Improvements on overlapping ship audio SFX
Fixed crashes when match round ends
300i seat animations now added and improved
Entering 300i and Aurora with your helmet now displays the HUD on the helmet
Removed debug text from X55 HOTAS in key binding menu
Known Issues
Buggy can only move when using boost in the business hangar
Audio missing from legacy Aurora control panels when sit/standing in pilot seat
CF-117 Badger repeater geometry becomes offset when fired from firing range
Red replace me ball shown beneath DFM Trainer Hornet
Texture z-fighting appearing in DFM Trainer Aurora cockpit
Third person camera view can roll using Q and E
Vanduul swarm
Aurora boost level decreases when not using boost
Boost level not shown while flying 300i
Aurora boost level only shown as decreasing after first death
Other ships can appear to rotate when they actually are not
Scoreboard info not shown if round ends while outside of ship
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